Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Meaning of Halloween

Every year I see the signs of Halloween in the shops come mid-September and I’m reminded of the strange relationship that modern society has with our ancient European customs. On the one hand, all the major festivals are still annually represented. Easter, Christmas (as well as New Years,) and Halloween are after all the three biggest festivals we celebrate in the Western world today. On the other hand, the meanings have been so far removed as to make them feel culturally impotent. Our main festivals have been butchered by capitalism to the point where in many instances, they no longer bring joy but financial despair.

I’m sure everyone will be familiar with the commercialisation of Christmas and to a lesser extent Easter, but when it comes to Halloween I’m probably not wrong to assume that the vast majority of the public don’t really know what Halloween is, or what it represents. If the public did, I would like to think that we as a society wouldn’t be so quick as to treat the festival with such disdain.

Halloween, like Christmas and Easter, is a European festival that comes from way beyond the dawn of Christianity. Simply put, in almost all European cultures Halloween is a time for honouring the dead and was originally observed by our pagan ancestors. The word Halloween literally means ‘holy evening’ when taken under the Christian guise, but is also known within most of the pagan community as Samhain. As a pagan festival, it is often presumed to be of Gaelic or “Celtic”, in its origin. However that been said, this is an overly simplistic view. Aspects of Halloween were seen all across Europe, and I really don’t understand why everything pagan pertaining to Northern Europe has to be given the “Celtic” title.

Jack-O-Lanterns were said to scare aware evil spirits which on Halloween could cross over the spiritual plains, except they were originally carved from turnips in Ireland seeing as pumpkins originally only grew in America. In Scandinavia and certain Germanic tribes, children who were coming of age that year dressed up in the clothes of their dead ancestors and walked about the village as a sign that they had effectively been “reborn”, a symbol if you like of a biological link which in a literal way means eternal life. Other places would light bonfires and even jump over the flames in a bid to ward off evil spirits. The connection with apples (candied apples, or apple bobbing) is a link to a pagan symbol of everlasting life, especially within Germanic or Scandinavian lore. Basically what we have today with modern Halloween is essentially a mash-up of varying but ultimately very similar cultural celebrations, mainly from Northern Europe.

As this blog is intended to bring about musings on English culture though, I feel it rather pertinent to defend the Anglo-Saxon celebration of Halloween. Most places you go to on the internet for reference will claim that Samhain is strictly a Celtic thing, but as we’ve already discussed this is not necessarily the case. In all honesty, it seems highly unlikely that the Catholic, Orthodox and certain Protestant churches would have adopted All Saints Day across Europe if the cultural event it was replacing (this was common practice, hence Easter is recognised in Spring, and Christmas at Yule) was only observed in the far flung extremities of Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Perhaps it is more realistic to assume that those mountainous isolated regions saw the least amount of persecution which enabled more of the old traditions to survive.

We also have to consider other evidence, such as the ‘Witches Sabbath’, which was said to have been held on the night of the 31st of October in isolated regions across England and on the continent too including Germany, France, Italy and Hungary to name but a few. A night where those who still keep the old ways would meet in secret to do their traditional, pagan rituals. This cannot be seen as a coincidence, but more as a re-affirmation that Halloween is a real festival, probably older than most give it credit for.

The Anglo-Saxons called November ‘blotmonað’, or blood month. That sounds like something pretty barbaric, but the blot is a ritual in which an offering (usually cattle) were offered up to the Gods and ancestors. Given that the month starts with Halloween (remember that in those days, a day began with the sundown of the previous day) it makes perfect logical sense. Especially when we consider that after Christianisation, the day was observed with an abstinence of meat. This could either mean the foregoing of meat was done by the pagans and carried over into the new faith, as meat on that evening was reserved solely for the departed as a gift, or it was an attempt by the Church later on to try and prevent cattle being offered to ‘false’ Gods. Either way, it still makes a pretty good case for a European-wide festival, or at least Germanic celebration. Clearly not just Gaelic.

What happened to England’s Festivals Though?

In England today, just like in Scotland, some of these festivals survived. There is still a number of villages that celebrate the night in weird and wonderful ways, but in England I have a sneaky suspicion that something that’s considered a relatively new thing is actually something very pagan. Guy Fawkes Night today might be celebrated with the letting off of annoying pyrotechnics, but traditionally it’s marked by the burning of an effigy of Guy Fawkes. I’m sure most in England will be familiar with the story of Guy Fawkes and the whole ‘Burning the Guy’ thing, if you don’t please google it.

It is interesting that the time at which Guy Fawkes Night is observed is so close to Samhain.  As we’ve already said, Samhain was very often observed with bonfires. Also, we need to take into consideration the politics at the time in 1605 at the time of the gun powder plot. England was under the control of an increasingly Puritan Government. The culmination of the Puritan power would eventually lead to Cromwell trying to ban Christmas fifty years later because it was too ‘pagan’. When we consider that Guy Fawkes was hung, not burnt to death for his attempted terrorism, the whole thing about burning an effigy of him seems pretty absurd. Perhaps the timing of the attack was coincidence, or perhaps the whole thing was some sort of conspiracy by the state to try and take control of the meaning of Halloween as a festival, but either way I find it amazingly too coincidental. Two cultural events within one week both burning bonfires. I suspect that the State at the time simply said that the bonfires would be accepted, so long as the effigy of Guy Fawkes was placed upon it. In this way, the public managed to keep their tradition, but the meaning was forever skewed.

I think it’s probably important to point out that except from some isolated villages (at least in the United Kingdom,) many of these festivals disappeared almost entirely until America amalgamated the varying traditions into a commercial product to re-sell to Western Europe. In a way, we should be thankful that at least some of the traditions have been saved, albeit in a perverted form, but like I said in the beginning, if people truly knew the real meaning behind Halloween, it wouldn’t be celebrated with such mockery. Whilst dressing up as horror characters and eating vast amounts of E-numbers may seem fun, the real meaning behind the night is meant to be respect for the dead. In a society today which fears growing old and laments too much on the present – maybe a more serious observance of Halloween is what society is missing.

The Church in recent years has certainly shirked away from keeping this festival in the limelight, so I suppose that the onus should fall once again in the hands of pagans to re-spread the true meaning once more.

All that been said, enjoy the evening and stay safe this Halloween!

Thursday 22 October 2015

Sword Attack in Sweden

Alleged image of the attacker in Trollhatten earlier.
It has been reported that a man walked into a school in Sweden's second largest city Trollhatten, killed a teacher and also wounded a couple of the secondary school aged students with a sword. The attacker himself was shot and wounded during the incident and was later pronounced dead at the scene.

At first I thought it was either the result of a far-right Nationalist who was fed up with what was happening to Sweden, a Muslim or maybe a star wars fanatic who had just gone off their top.

The local news has reported that the attacker who himself was wearing a "Stahlhelm" WWII German helmet during the attack, held far-right beliefs and have found 'several things of interest' at the assailants home after detectives went there to investigate. This comes after only last week a German mayor candidate was stabbed in the neck over their pro-Immigration policies. There have also been multiple arson attacks on refugee centres too all over Europe including Sweden and Germany. I would assume the victims in this attack are not ethnic Swedes, and judging by recent school photos in Sweden, statistically the risk of hitting a white child in a Swedish school today is relatively small.

There is a concern here I think for those of us of the opinion that immigration ought to be stopped and reversed. Whilst I can appreciate the frustration felt by many people who feel disenfranchised by the liberal "multicultural" society, attacks like this will only make it increasingly more difficult to talk about the concerns that we have. Whilst I felt no sympathy for Henriette Reker the mayor candidate last week, I am of the opinion that innocents, and especially children, should always be off limits from violent acts. 

As David Cameron and other European leaders announce plans to finance anti-extremist groups, attacks such as these will only put more Nationalists or even Conservatives under state surveillance. That said, I don't think even the threat of big brother will stop more attacks like this occurring. There is a large percentage of the population who feel alienated and overwhelmed by the levels of 'refugees' that have been and continue to be entering Europe.
As a background in the Swedish case, it is well known that cities like Trollshatten are becoming increasingly divided because of racial issues. This article from Aljazeera ("albeit from the Muslim's perspective") perhaps gives an indication of the situation that awaits other places in Europe. Rape and violence is off the charts in places Stockholm, and the fast changing cultural and racial element is only going to create more issues as time goes on.

For now, keep your eyes open because it is my prediction that the West is about to create a whole new level of state sanctions on what we can and can't say in an attempt to quell the rebellion against this invasion they have put upon us. It's my belief that this will fail, as any attempt to force something not to be spoken about this late in the game will simply backfire. Interesting times ahead.

Violent, but interesting. My prediction is mass-riots by August 2016.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Chinese Economic Takeover?

We are fed the idea of a clash of national interests between the US
and China, but are they really controlled by the same people?
So today saw the British state welcoming the Chinese president Xi Jinping to London with a Horse Guards parade. It seems the British Government aren't really the best at choosing their pals, given China's current human rights abuses against the Tibetans and the whole "not having freedom of expression" and all that. That said, the West's form of political censorship isn't that far behind that of China. This doesn't really come as a surprise mind you, given that earlier this year in January, London flew it's flags at half-mast as a sign of respect for the dead King of Saudi Arabia. You know, the guy who ruled a country that funds Islamic terrorism and stones rape victims to death. That guy.

Now you might be thinking that this is just an ordinary state visit except there is something a little ominous about this meeting. I'm not suggesting that the results of today's little meeting are going to be immediately obvious, but that said I would ask everyone to remain vigilant of the possible ramifications which I'm about to detail.

Firstly the really obvious stuff. As the Chinese president was stepping off the plane this morning, our news were revealing how the British steel market was effectively shutting down due to cheaper imports as TATA (in itself an Indian firm) announced massive job cuts. These cheaper imports of course are mainly coming from China. The timing couldn't possibly be any more suspicious to think that this isn't some form of establishment decision. This news comes just after the British Government went directly to China to start a bidding war over who would win the contract for the supplies for HS2, despite an obvious domestic ability to do it ourselves since the British invented railway travel.

The second part of this may seem a little esoteric but I feel there is enough evidence to support a concern. The trouble is that on the internet you hear so many possible 'conspiracy theories', many of which fail to materialise, that you become numb to the many accusations being made. Back in June though there were rumours that the IMF was pushing for a new global currency that would replace the US dollar as the international currency. The site that I had read did not exactly look the most respectable so took it with a pinch of salt, however when rooting about for recent Chinese business deals this afternoon I came across this ABC report, where last week China were actively calling for a new global currency.

Now this ABC report does say that both US and EU leaders "brushed off" this proposal, but then looking at the system in place at the moment we all know that it is not sustainable. America keeps getting to borrowing 'fiscal cliffs', and China keeps buying their debt bonds. Something has to change at some point because China won't keep bailing out the Western markets and America can't keep borrowing forever. At the moment however China seems to be becoming the worlds infrastructure giant, building roads, power stations, bridges and (like HS2) trainlines. This is applicable not only to the UK but to the EU ("which last June announced a joint $11bn investment with China,) America as well as tons of construction work being done in Africa. I have personally heard a story that the British Government had to stop Chinese investors from effectively monopolising the water grid a few years back in the UK, but even that didn't stop China from using HSBC to circumvent this.

If the IMF is in cohorts with the Chinese Government over creating a new global currency we have to wonder whether China is effectively playing games. There are two possible situations that are occuring right now. The first may be that they are buying up assets and debt in the hope that they become the last one holding on to anything when the dollar-backed economy goes down the pan. The second may be that in actual fact, the IMF themselves under guidance of the UN is actually using China as a tool to buy up infrastructure for when a World Government is revealed. Admittedly this seems something which is "out there", but given other things going on amid the increasing United Nations power under their Agenda 21 scheme, I really wouldn't be surprised.

There is also the merger of the markets to consider with the TTIP linking the States and the European Union. I would be bold enough to say that further economic mergers are likely as the begin to bolt together other parts of the world like the African Union and Latin America with North America. It certainly looks as though it is part of the same scheme. Is it a coincidence that this new currency should be discussed just before a Chinese state visit to London, the financial capital of the West?
Since we mentioned Agenda 21, (which is an overall scheme from the UN involving everything from human rights to arms and the environment) the IMF only yesterday sat at the table with heads of state like Merkel to decide on a world-wide tax on 'carbon.' Again, something which could slot in with the creation of this new global currency, and the 'carbon tax' will be nothing except an attempt to cream off cash to the elites.

I'm not saying it is the case, but we should all at the very least keep vigilant for any market fluctuations over the next few weeks or any new IMF announcements.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Merkel Backed Mayoral Candidate Attacked

Last month had seen multiple protests in Germany and in other Central and Eastern European countries aimed at showing their leaders that they were not at all in favour of allowing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants into their countries. I think this video pretty much shows much of the sentiment that is rising all over Europe right now, as well as the arrogant position of the national and EU leaders too.

It clearly hasn't taken Germany long to realise the full extent of the situation their country is in right now. The past few months or so has seen multiple fire attacks on refugee centres within Germany, which had up until yesterday been the most violent resistance to the on-going so called "migrant crisis" we had seen. With nine-hundred-thousand 'refugees' have thought to have entered just Germany in the past twelve months, you can certainly understand why people are angry. The full gravity may be worse than this as the number may even be as high as one and a half million.

It may not surprise you then to discover that a mayoral candidate was attacked in broad daylight whilst campaigning in Cologne with a hunting knife. The attacker knifed Henriette Reker in the neck over her views on the refugees. Naturally, since she was supported by Merkel it is fairly safe to say that she took the view that Germany should be accepting even more immigrants. The attacker allegedly waited for the authorities to arrive after stopping members of the public from providing first aid. She did survive after later receiving emergency surgery.

To be honest, I have no sympathy for her. What politicians like her are doing is literally committing treason against her own people. The end result of this endless wave of refugees (read invaders) is that German culture will disappear, German people will become a minority within one or two generations, and no doubt as seen in places like Sweden, cases of rape and murder will skyrocket. The same thing is happening all over Europe to varying degrees, but it looks as though Germany is first on the chopping block so to speak. 

I can see this kind of thing happening more often. Europe has been taking a ridiculous number of immigrants in for decades, but I feel they've over stepped the mark a bit with this whole Syrian refugee situation. In twelve months this whole fiasco has woken more to the on-going anti-European agenda then the right-wing could have done in a decade. The stage is set for biblical levels of violence, and it has to be said that I fear that this was all intended in order to cause maximum distraction whilst the EU reveals its last hand for complete social control.

In any case, I would say expect violence to increase from all sides. The Eastern states, who are not completely sold on the whole mixed-race Federal Europe thing (probably after that long stint under the USSR) are getting touchy, with one Afghan 'refugee' being shot by Bulgarian police. The right-wing are becoming emboldened because, quite frankly, what have the got left to lose? The migrants themselves are bound to start getting a bit big for their boots, and if not the Islamic sleeper cells will be something fun to look forward to.

10 Arguments Against Immigration

Some might suggest that starting a new blog and immediately writing this post is a bad idea, but I would reject that point of view. Immigration is a taboo topic of discussion for a very good reason, and that reason (whether people choose to accept it or not) is because of a very effective propaganda campaign known as political correctness. People don't stop everyday to properly consider what the term means, but lets do so quickly now. Has there ever been, is, or will be a 'correct' political ideology? It's something which is incredibly subjective and no doubt means something slightly different to the seven-or-so billion people on the planet. It's ridiculous. If we really face facts, the term is nothing but a silencing tactic in order to try and silence somebody of a particular view. When it comes to immigration, being incorrect simply means somebody in opposition, and that that person is 'racist', or something.
The term racism or racist are words no longer fit for their original purpose though. There are very few people who go around assaulting people based on the colour or creed of their victim, and those that do are much more likely themselves to be a ethnic minority as crime statistics show. We no longer have (state enforced) segregation in society, and despite what some might say, there are equal opportunities for all in this country and all other developed nations. When I personally speak ill of immigration it is not a reflection necessarily on those who have come here to live or work, but rather an attack on past and present Governments who have allowed the policy of an unfettered, unending influx of people.

So without further ado, lets get into these ten points.

10. Wage Suppression.

As many have said over the years, and subsequently been called racist for doing so, letting in large numbers of economic migrants has suppressed and in many cases actually lowered wages significantly. This is especially true in manual professions such as the building trade. Now the reason why this news was deliberately down played for so long was because Parliament were keen to help big business drive up their profits, whilst driving down the general population's wages.

This is why publications like 'The Economist' will very often support immigration as an economic principle. It doesn't strengthen the host nation, but instead strengthens large corporate interests. Its really strange to note that the biggest supporters of 'open borders' are usually young, left-wing or socialist students. The irony is that migration hurts young indigenous workers more than anyone else, and in supporting the migration they are actually supporting a massive tool of corporate globalism, which usually they purport to be against.
Like any industry resource, if you saturate a market the costs come down. This is as true for employment as it is for any other industry or commodity. The Governor of the Bank of England earlier this year admitted this was the case, despite everyone in positions of power saying it was previously not an issue.

9. Less Jobs

It goes without saying that if so many people come from abroad to work in the UK and are prepared to work for less, it means that there are less jobs to go around. Again, this has hit the youngest hardest which has to be one of the bigger reasons for the drive to keep young people in training for longer.
Until recently when there was a deliberate Government supported drive to increase the number of apprenticeships, few employers were willing to train our young adults in apprenticeships when it was far cheaper to employ people from say, Poland, who were already semi or fully trained to fulfill the role. Again, keeping employment from reaching 100% is actually beneficial because it keeps competition in the work market lowering labour costs for businesses.

8. Increasing Population

Last year 300,000 immigrants came to the UK despite David Cameron's guarantee that it would be reduced into the tens of thousands. He lied. At current the population of the UK increases by the size of Birmingham every thirty months. This is unsustainable for multiple reasons.
The impact of a secondary population increase from migration is also often downplayed in the media also. Many migrant cultures tend to have more children, and now we have a situation where 57% of the population increase since 2001 has been owed to immigration. Now this still doesn't necessarily include the children of second or third generation immigrants who would undoubtedly be included as 'British' in an official context. The UK is now tipped to be the most populace nation within the EU within the next generation.  

7. Housing

I don't think I have to tell you that house prices have skyrocketed in the past decade, mainly in the South East where the most amount of employment is found. Whilst a lot of this has been caused by greedy property developers and landlords, the only reason why that has become a lucrative investment for some is because of the rising prices! Supply and demand. There aren't enough houses to go around, and this is why their value is skyrocketing, the opposite to the wages due to migration which is causing a deeply concerning situation.
This isn't just my theory, the House of Lords expressed this concern in 2008, and trends have continued.

More houses can obviously be built, but this comes as a direct blow to both the environment and our national food security.

6. School Placements/NHS

Whilst really these are two incredibly important things and worthy of their own catagories, I'm going to quickly get to my ten reasons if I don't try and compress this down somehow.

Many schools are now running at full capacity and when even the BBC begrudgingly accepts that this crisis is owed to the children of immigrants, you know that there is some substance to the allegation.

This situation is getting out of hand, yet our politicians offer very little in the way of resolution.

The NHS is also under colossal financial strain because it is struggling with the increasing population and providing visitors to the country who use the system for free (dubbed health tourists) whilst simultaneously experiencing austerity cut backs. In many A&E wards across the country we are seeing massive overcrowding, and routine operations are taking weeks if not months longer to become available.

5. Food Security

This is an often over looked aspect which I feel is actually rather dangerous. At current the UK currently imports over 40% of its food and drink in from abroad. This means if we were to ever have a world-wide emergency we would have a huge issue with trying to feed the whole population. 
With an ever increasing population this is only going to get worse as our imports increase and our agricultural land gets built upon to provide homes.

In my opinion to not monitor this situation carefully is a monumental disaster just waiting to happen. Water supply is also another situation that needs constant vigilance as reservoirs are being put under more strain.

4. Environment and Energy

It goes without saying that if you increase a population you need to increase the number of homes, and if you do that you need to also increase the number of roads, and increase production of electricity too. 
To do this it means you will unfortunately have to build on green belt land in some instances or build transport networks (like HS2/3) through large swathes of countryside. Building in flood-plains is now common as quite simply there is already a lack of space, and putting concrete roads and driveways into areas prone to flooding is yet another example of how a great deal of simpletons run this country. 

Energy production in this country is 
already at breaking point with the threat of brown-outs or even black-outs during the winter months, and simply hooking more homes up to a failing National Grid is not going to help. Ironically if you look at all of these points, the Green Party and other die-hard environmentalists should be opposed to immigration, but because it's cool to promote it, they don't.

Even our increased food imports put a strain on the environment, and whilst the environment obsessed vegetarians ignorantly eat their specialist diets without questioning how many air-miles their ingredients clocked up getting here, there really is no hope for the planet.

3. Head Hunting, A Humanitarian Disaster

It is often said that the NHS would not be able to run without an immigrant work force. Walking around the hospital wards today you can see that this is without a doubt true, practically half the NHS nurses were born outside of the UK, but lets back up here because this isn't necessarily a silver-bullet win for the pro-immigration lobby.
For a start, this is misleading as nearly 80% of NHS staff in general are British Nationals. That said, we already know that importing foreign staff reduces wages here in the UK, so why on Earth would British born people want to provide front line nursing care which is a difficult, often stressful, depressing and even messy job when wages have been suppressed down to minimum wage.
I don't want to draw from my own experience too much because it is unverifiable, but I know people personally in the nursing trade who have had their work cut down to zero-hours via agencies whilst their pay has been kept practically at minimum wage. In short, this is not a case of "those lazy Brits", but rather a case of "those greedy NHS managers". If the NHS stopped hiring managers earning excessive amounts, and the Government wasn't letting the population increase at such a ludicrous level, then there could be more British nurses because they could then actually afford to pay a living wage.
Using migrants who work in the NHS as a shield to defend all criticism of immigration is also putting the cart before the horse somewhat. Those who come here to work in the NHS will also come to rely on the system in time, and so will their families and dependants. So for one foreign born NHS worker you have a number of individuals running into one would presume at least double figures on average that you'll need to cater for and look after over the coming two or three generations. 
Again though, we have to look at the argument that is often spouted by the lefties who like to feel as they are the most moral people. Yes, foreign healthcare professionals do come to the UK to work. Often from Africa.
What they are doing by leaving Africa? The answer is leaving the poorest people in the world without medical staff. Now I can't blame the individuals who move, I certainly would. No one tends to see the irony though that whilst we pay for organisations like the Red Cross to provide emergency care for the world's poorest people, we are simultaneously grabbing anyone with any skill that could have helped turn the poorest regions around.
And this is the opposite effect for places like Poland as unskilled workers have moved to places like the UK. Poland has seen their economy pick up whilst their population stays at a steady forty million (which by the way is twenty million less than the UK despite being 30,000 square miles larger.) Probably why the Polish aristocracy wants us to keep taking immigrants as their less skilled workers sending British wages back home has enabled Poland's economy to grow.

2. Cultural Destruction

In the weird world we're now in, there has been a left-leaning obsession in this country and elsewhere in the Western world. There is always promotion, celebration and financial support of (through various state grants etc) of foreign cultures here in the UK. Now it stands to reason that had the money that's been spent on the plethora of different cultures actually been spent on promoting a unified British identity we would not be seeing the kind of division that we are now.
Calling white people racist for having genuine concerns about immigration, or making them feel under-represented by councils etc in their own homeland has caused a resentment. Similarly not stepping in to prevent ghettos of one demographic forming (like Muslims in Bradford for instance) has caused this disenfranchised feeling among the immigrants themselves, and is perhaps one of the reasons why some of them are being radicalised and shipping themselves off to fight in ISIS.
England especially has seen its culture eroded to the point of no return. Gone is the image of ladies and gentlemen sat about drinking tea on a picnic blanket, in its place is now the image of a multicultural cosmopolitan London. And you have to like it, otherwise you're a racist.

1. Slow-Motion Genocide

I really, really questioned myself on whether I should put this in. Its a bold statement.

Over the past decade or two there has been some weird reverse state sanctioned racism against white British people. It has permeated through every avenue of the mainstream media and it goes along the lines of "your ancestors had an empire so you don't deserve to preserve your identity."

Well I don't personally know anyone living who wore a redcoat uniform, and I don't know anyone living who owned a slave, so why should my children's generation be the last line of Anglo-Celt's living in these isles? Ironically, the sentiment implied that its fine that they want to willingly destroy my people is the single most racist thing you could ever condone. But this basic logic is lost on the majority of youngsters especially, who have been brought up with this bizarre form of self-hate propaganda.
Despite what many will tell you, the UK was not an island of immigrants. If anything it is (or was) one of the most homogeneous populations in the world, or at least in the developed world. The propaganda directed towards the indigenous Briton has been created because there is a need, a political desire by globalists to do away with all racial or cultural identity. Europe is just the start, other nations will suffer similar pressure over the coming decades.

People tend to laugh when they see the term 'genocide' when it relates to immigration into Europe. I'm not implying that British people are getting 9mm's in the back of the head and a long dirt nap in a freshly dug mass grave. I'm talking about a genetic destruction spanning many many years, and the results are exactly the same. By 2066 it is believed that white people will be a minority in the UK. Exactly what the social ramifications of that will be I can only imagine. In fact I don't want to imagine, I don't expect everyone will be sitting around singing kumbaya.

A Final Word
I hope I'm wrong about the above. There won't be much good in gloating that "I was right" when I'm nearly eighty years old, dying of some unknown disease because the NHS imploded whilst I watch my kinsmen disappear from the world like the cooling embers of a once roaring fire. To whomever is reading this, this is the future of our people unless you are willing to join people like myself and stand up and be heard. 

I don't make these points because I hate or blame anyone who has come here to make a better life for themselves. I do however have a boiling rage towards those who have sat by and allowed this to happen. They've destroyed Western civilisation for a few pretty pennies, a short-term economic boost and on the orders of maniacal UN and EU directors who want a global society.

The time to act was yesterday, don't wait until tomorrow. Our grand children need us to act now.

An Introduction

I enjoy writing, it's always been something that I've done as a hobby as far back as I care to remember. Whether it be fact or fiction, or somewhere in-between, if it's a subject I'm interested in I have always been keen to share information or opinions. The trouble I've found recently though is that when it comes to blogs, your topics really ought to be as specific as possible in order to market yourself and (hopefully) gain readership. That has never really been my way of doing things though. I'm interested in so many topics that I find it incredibly difficult to settle on one thing. That all said, in the interests of both saving my own sanity and contributing something of worth to the wider community, I've finally settled on one subject. Or at least a few loosely connected subjects. 

My biggest concern right now is for the survival of European cultures, and by extension the English culture of which I belong. This is both from a perspective of changing demographics and the continuing 'modernisation' of the West also. Or as some might call it, 'progressive' social policies which are to my mind wiping out traditional and even historical knowledge, and with it our very national and ethnic identities. 

I am just one man trying to do their bit with the few tools at my disposal to turn things around in England and the wider Western Civilisation. The topics I'll be covering will be mostly be historical, explaining English history, and the local history of Essex as a county. It will also, from time to time, explain political and geo-political issues which face us nationally or globally (although I will concede I don't often have the time to sit down and write essays like I have done in the past on previous blogs.) I'll also be covering our pre-Christian beliefs, how they still influence us still today and their importance both personally and culturally.

There's a lot to be getting on with and writing about, so I shall leave this introduction here for now. Unless people are totally abusive, the comments section will always be free to post on as I appreciate and welcome all discussion.

Many thanks for reading.