Saturday 17 October 2015

Merkel Backed Mayoral Candidate Attacked

Last month had seen multiple protests in Germany and in other Central and Eastern European countries aimed at showing their leaders that they were not at all in favour of allowing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants into their countries. I think this video pretty much shows much of the sentiment that is rising all over Europe right now, as well as the arrogant position of the national and EU leaders too.

It clearly hasn't taken Germany long to realise the full extent of the situation their country is in right now. The past few months or so has seen multiple fire attacks on refugee centres within Germany, which had up until yesterday been the most violent resistance to the on-going so called "migrant crisis" we had seen. With nine-hundred-thousand 'refugees' have thought to have entered just Germany in the past twelve months, you can certainly understand why people are angry. The full gravity may be worse than this as the number may even be as high as one and a half million.

It may not surprise you then to discover that a mayoral candidate was attacked in broad daylight whilst campaigning in Cologne with a hunting knife. The attacker knifed Henriette Reker in the neck over her views on the refugees. Naturally, since she was supported by Merkel it is fairly safe to say that she took the view that Germany should be accepting even more immigrants. The attacker allegedly waited for the authorities to arrive after stopping members of the public from providing first aid. She did survive after later receiving emergency surgery.

To be honest, I have no sympathy for her. What politicians like her are doing is literally committing treason against her own people. The end result of this endless wave of refugees (read invaders) is that German culture will disappear, German people will become a minority within one or two generations, and no doubt as seen in places like Sweden, cases of rape and murder will skyrocket. The same thing is happening all over Europe to varying degrees, but it looks as though Germany is first on the chopping block so to speak. 

I can see this kind of thing happening more often. Europe has been taking a ridiculous number of immigrants in for decades, but I feel they've over stepped the mark a bit with this whole Syrian refugee situation. In twelve months this whole fiasco has woken more to the on-going anti-European agenda then the right-wing could have done in a decade. The stage is set for biblical levels of violence, and it has to be said that I fear that this was all intended in order to cause maximum distraction whilst the EU reveals its last hand for complete social control.

In any case, I would say expect violence to increase from all sides. The Eastern states, who are not completely sold on the whole mixed-race Federal Europe thing (probably after that long stint under the USSR) are getting touchy, with one Afghan 'refugee' being shot by Bulgarian police. The right-wing are becoming emboldened because, quite frankly, what have the got left to lose? The migrants themselves are bound to start getting a bit big for their boots, and if not the Islamic sleeper cells will be something fun to look forward to.

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